Who is Dons Health, Fitness & Wellbeing?

Another year older, I realise I have come so far with my health, fitness and wellbeing beliefs. I am like a sponge, I love learning new things, reading articles and keeping my Facebook and Instagram published is something I am passionate about, doesn't matter how many people read it, I am drawn to writing posts and publishing. I was driven to start my FB and Insta pages, to spread the healthy message out there instead of the unhealthy diet & exercise messages that you see on social media, I am passionate about the body and the mind being healthy. Check me out Facebook and Instagram . Even though I am not a trainer anymore - I still have so many training routines in my head, not to mention choreography to dance classes I have done (albeit badly)! The not giving a shit what people think is the main thing I would say to everyone - be you, be loud, be proud, dance like people ARE watching if that is your thing, never apologize for being you...