FMSPAD - October
I have created a new Instagram account @snapsbydons to capture my photo-a-day challenge run by @fatmumslim. Such a fun and creative challenge which I enjoy. Makes me stop and capture daily events and prompts.

A Fence
Daily walks during isolation saw us looking at all the amazing flowers in the gardens in the streets around the block from our place. We would always have a walk and spot the prettiest flower or brightest flower we could see. This is now something we do anytime we walk around the block, or going to the nearest park. This fence is one of our favourite as it has lillies in the front garden, which i love and with the green painted fence, puts a smile on my face when we walk past.
A Funny Shape
Not sure what these statues are meant to be, they are our morning routine as Maddison likes to run ahead and "hide" in them and I always have to play the "where is Maddison game", quite a fun way to start the morning. She always comments on the funny shapes.....
A for Sale Sign
Something about the colours of leaves on the ground... a quiet street and a footpath covered in orange and yellow leaves. The green For Sale sign captured my eye as I took this photo and was perfect to use for this prompt.
Afternoon Light
Venturing out on the long weekend Public Holiday Monday to the newly built park down the road just as the sun started to go behind the trees. Such a great time of day as the temperature cools down and the sun isn't so blinding. I love watching the colours of the trees change as the sun hides behind them.
Your Parents
I am so very lucky that my parents are still around, even though they live in another state. This is my favourite picture of them holding their first grandchild two hours after she was born. Just love the look of joy and happiness on their faces.
What’s in your pocket
Cleaning up after the weekend I found some seashells in my pocket. I used to love collecting all different kinds of seashells when I was younger as I lived 1500kms from Perth and the nice beaches. I would like to start collecting nice ones again and display in a nice vase.
Half Full
The tide is out my Nanna used to say if you ever gave her a cuppa or a drink and didn’t fill it to the top! I have a habit of filling all drinks half full, think because I am a clutz and always knock things over as I am easily distracted. My morning juice though always only need about half a glass with breakfast to add extra vitamins.
A List
Being in isolation I found that I had reverted back to writing daily lists in my journal to keep myself organised with the changes in routine and to get all the thoughts out of my head and in some order in my daily planner. Have always loved a good list and have a habit of rewriting my lists if they become too messy.
An unmade Bed
A nice sunny and windy Friday today, working from home means sheet washing day! Nothing beats fresh sheets off the line after a long (short) week. I normally make the bed daily as I find that is a good habit to get the day started with a task completed!
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