The next nine..... #photoadaychallenge

Seems I added my snack blurb to my last post.... the picture is in this one! Haha publishing joys.

Missed a few prompts this week and realise that May is nearly over! Ah well, June will give it another crack and maybe add a theme! See what FatMumSlim proposes!

Into the city today, second time this week after a doctors appt. going to get a breast ultrasound and needed a little snack for comfort. Getting off the train at Town Hall, I grabbed a little Bread Top goodness. Coconut for comfort as I sat waiting to get my breasts checked after a lump and rash appeared on my right boob. All clear, results came back good. Grateful. 

Two Things
Many battles have happened in our rental property as the owners live in the US and don’t really seem to care too much about the property.  The side fence has been falling down for many years and finally got approval for a cheap quote (well the neighbours did, they own their house) to get the fence fixed.  There were way more than two things wrong with the fence once completed but this photo shows two definite flaws in the joinery (or lack of)! Mr Carruthers my woodwork teacher would not be pleased.

In the Kitchen
One of things we do together is bake in the kitchen.  We decided to try and make our own playdough, because the other stuff kept getting eaten, lost, hard, mixed with other colours…..   was a very fun and sticky mess made In the Kitchen.  Good times.

Natural reflection of the trees in the water that had fallen from the sky. A mirror of nature’s beauty.  A reminder that we are surrounded by beauty in times that are uncertain and unprecedented. To reset and enjoy nature when the noise gets too loud and we need to enjoy our natural reflections all around.

I isolate here

With a nice hot cup of tea….. in my new cup thanks to Drew’s work sending a thank you hamper…. Which included this great Robert Gordon pottery mug, made in Australia. Lovely way to isolate here.


Walking my moo to day-care is a great part of my daily routine.   We walk and count the cars, look at the lights turning green, we wait for the green man to cross the road and pick flowers on the way and look out for butterflies. For Maddie it is a morning nature walk with me and for me it is time with my girl and some exercise, not sitting, not driving the car all the time to day-care.

Something Green

Park is open! Words we were excited to hear after spending a few months in isolation and not going to my favourite park – Sydney Park. I knew everyone would flock there to get daily exercise and didn’t want to be going where there were lots of people. So was nice to finally get back there, do some walking around looking at the ducks, birds and seeing the new baby swan cygnets.  We always had to check to see if we could see Eric the eel and we did, he is a fat little thing!

I enjoy Sydney park as it is so lush and green, so many green somethings to admire. It is getting outside and into nature but just down the road.


Eggs bru is my favourite breakfast.  I could eat eggs everyday for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Breakfast is such an important start to the day to get the body and mind fuelled for the days activites. Good fats, protein and so warm and yolky. Divine.


Not the most sexiest food picture but so good and delicious. Bakes salmon and boiled potatoes with butter for lunch. Fuel again, good nutritious food to keep the body going and functioning with the nutrients it needs. Warm and nurturing, and a bonus being at home everyday to cook a yummy and warm lunch.


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