First Nine
FMSPAD - October I have created a new Instagram account @snapsbydons to capture my photo-a-day challenge run by @fatmumslim. Such a fun and creative challenge which I enjoy. Makes me stop and capture daily events and prompts. A Fence Daily walks during isolation saw us looking at all the amazing flowers in the gardens in the streets around the block from our place. We would always have a walk and spot the prettiest flower or brightest flower we could see. This is now something we do anytime we walk around the block, or going to the nearest park. This fence is one of our favourite as it has lillies in the front garden, which i love and with the green painted fence, puts a smile on my face when we walk past. A Funny Shape Not sure what these statues are meant to be, they are our morning routine as Maddison likes to run ahead and "hide" in them and I always have to play the "where is Maddison game", quite a fun way to start the morning. She al...