Photo-a-day Challenge 2020 - first nine.......

Gosh I love this challenge, I used to be so good at remembeirng the daily prompts and taking a photo everyday to the prompt and posting it.  Loved doing some write ups also  (will add a few links below to posts from years ago, my favourites).

May was "An ISO Photo Challenge" given we are all in Isolation still. Most of us since March.  April was a free photo a day challenge and I was a little lost with being at home, working from home, entertaining a three year old and trying to NOT get this virus thing. Was quite a stressful time and I just kept home, kept away from the shops and kept my daughter at home also.

May was still lockdown, still in isolation #iso but decided to complete a few challenges that excite me. This is one of them.  I may not of done ALL the prompts. I used to love writing about the photos, like keeping a diary or journal, digitally.

Here are the first nine I completed:-

A drink
GIN..... since having Maddie I havent been a BIG drinker like I used to be (the Irish liver).  I used to ask Drew to get me a couple G&T cans for a Friday night (i know right)! So he decided that given the current circumstances and to save money, he brought be a bottle... ahhh heaven. There is something divine about fresh lime, ice and tonic poured slowly over a good nip. 

Dreaming of.....
It isn't a secret that I have put on quite a few kilos in the past couple of years... it is also been hard for me to try and get those feckers off also. Miscarriages, hormones, pregnancy, my age and many injuries mixed with anxiety and stress from life has made me doubt myself, doubt my abilities and reaching the 100kg mark on the scale.  The great thing with Iso is that I have spent a lot of time on my own, inside, away from people and found myself again (who needs to go to India hey), has been the perfect reset I needed, even if during a crisis. So am dreaming of a healthier body & mind to be a positive role model in Maddison's life. To ensure I am here for her in the long term.  Only good things to come. 

A fave room
When we realised that we would be at home working daily and Maddie would be home also, we shifted our kitchen area to accommodate a working space that we can all enjoy. I thought it would be great to have a wall of art that Maddie had completed, gave us daily motivation and was so much fun.  We had paint, crayons, pom poms, cardboard, glitter to play with and boy did we make a mess :) best time ever really, spending time with my daughter.

I made this
Proud of my body for carrying this child and making me a mum. I made her and housed her, so very much a proud mum and love all the feelings associated with having her in my life. Best thing I have ever made (i know I had help in the making process...) but she was growing inside me, hiccuping inside, moving around and dancing. Life.

A throwback
Yup a baby picture.... of my little chubba bubba in the sunshine watching Daddy play football. When we could all go outside and enjoy others company, hug, high five and enjoy life.  

The Sky
Having good weather really has helped the isolation.... sunshine = happy feelings. This view is from my back patio. The trees and the sky I see daily. Walking outside for work breaks to feel the sunshine on my face. Good to be healthy and alive.

Self Care
Mothers Day candle burning as I sit and drink some red wine. The house is quiet, the cat is sitting with me as Drew puts Maddison to bed and I just am here. Happy. Content. Grateful.

Working Here
Sometimes sitting at her own desk to work isnt as much fun as sitting on my lap as I try to do emails.  We would do daily tasks together and called it our "work".  Drawing, looking up the Taronga Zoo or San Diego Live Cam feeds. Working here.

Into the city today, second time this week after a doctors appt. going to get a breast ultrasound and needed a little snack for comfort. Getting off the train at Town Hall, I grabbed a little Bread Top goodness. Coconut for comfort as I sat waiting to get my breasts checked after a lump and rash appeared on my right boob. All clear, results came back good. Grateful. 


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