Going with the flow!

Life surely is bizarre.  I am a big believer of everything happens at the right time and this year has been no exception.  Pregnant for the fourth time with our first viable pregnancy is bloody exciting, tiring, scary and effing amazing (all can be experienced in one day).  The last 26 weeks surely has been a roller coaster ride whilst growing our baby girl #jonesjnr, filled with interesting cravings, plenty of nanna naps, emotions, hormones and morning/afternoon/evening sickness.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

2016 started off with a new job, moving out from the EA space and moving into management. Was an exciting time, working for a fundraising company and had two staff reporting into me and was excited to be learning new skills and put my highly organised skills to the test to see how I could be the best Operations Manager I could possibly be.  Six months into the role, it was made redundant due to restructure. That is cool shite happens right, everything will work out and to be honest in hindsight probably was the best thing to happen as I am now working at the Powerhouse museum in a great EA role temporarily and I am feeling relaxed and less stressed than I was before, which can only be good when one is growing another human inside her hey? My gut told me it was the right thing, I learnt so much and I look forward to exploring that space again after the arrival of baby Jones.

We had talked about moving house when we found out we were pregnant back in April, then decided to stay put because we love our apartment and the area and were already so settled and coming up to four years in our place..... then the owners wanted to "pop-in" and have a look at the property.......................... alarm bells ringing please, you only do that if you want to SELL! Bingo two weeks later we were given 90 days - so a temporary job and having to find a new place whilst pregnant at 42, yes this is how I imagined my life in my 20's, haha, bring it.

So we have literally JUST moved, we found a great HOUSE with a backyard and NO stairs (why did I think stairs would be good at our old place hey, in denial I was) and I am just going with the flow.  Trying to pack up the house when nearly 7 months pregnant was not fun at all, so tiring and I was extremely frustrated at how LITTLE I could physically and mentally do.  Thank god my husband has taken it in his stride and just got things done, what a legend. Definitely won the lotto there peeps. I of course did the admin side of things with moving Foxtel, AGL, changing our addresses on bills and ensuring our first food shop is delivered to fill our fridge and pantry with food noms. Normally I would of unpacked the kitchen and gotten all my clothes organised - last night I ordered thai for dinner and made the bed (after sorting out the fur cat in the spare room). That was plenty and off to bed I went at 8:30pm!  Even today I am not overthinking what I need to do, just will see what I feel like doing.  What is going on! 

2015 taught me that shit happens and you just have to go with the flow the universe gives you. It has reminded me that yes change happens and it can lead to much better things, to never look back and ponder "what if" and to deal with the card you are being handed right this very second because you never know where it may lead you.    I have a feeling this will come in handy with a newborn also - as they aren't able to be project managed and organised!!  I look forward to see how that pans out in 3 months time!  

Less stress on oneself is important, lower expectations and just do what you can :) sometimes is the best approach. It feels good.


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