
Showing posts from September, 2016

Overthinking is not good for you!

What goes on in our minds everyday as women!! Sheeesh we seriously have to watch our thoughts!!  Well I do....  Myr thoughts should be monitored, because most of the time they are worrying or stressing about things that are either out of our control or haven't even happened or will not happen.....ugh.   Blaming the pregnancy hormones I have been a bit anxious this week as our baby girl starting moving quite a bit and I got super excited, so when she didn't move as much I started stressing like nothing else (which apparently is not good for you either ahem).   So I spent a couple nights this week just obsessing with my large tummy begging her to move.  She moved when she normally did when I was lying down sleeping around midnight and 5am but apparently I wanted MORE and made a special trip to go see my GP today to listen to baby girl's heartbeat.  Which was perfectly fine, strong and LOUD.  I knew somewhere in my gut that all was ok, so why didn't ...

Going with the flow!

L ife surely is bizarre.  I am a big believer of everything happens at the right time and this year has been no exception.  Pregnant for the fourth time with our first viable pregnancy is bloody exciting, tiring, scary and effing amazing (all can be experienced in one day).  The last 26 weeks surely has been a roller coaster ride whilst growing our baby girl #jonesjnr , filled with interesting cravings, plenty of nanna naps, emotions, hormones and morning/afternoon/evening sickness.  I wouldn't have it any other way. 2016 started off with a new job, moving out from the EA space and moving into management. Was an exciting time, working for a fundraising company and had two staff reporting into me and was excited to be learning new skills and put my highly organised skills to the test to see how I could be the best Operations Manager I could possibly be.  Six months into the role, it was made redundant due to restructure. That is cool shite happens right, e...

Spring is here & a smoothie recipe to try!

If the sneezing hasn't alerted you, spring is here!  I do love this time of the year, when you don't feel the chill in the air most mornings/evenings and the sun feels so nice and warm, but not too hot on your skin. You can sleep with a window open a little and you may even think about swapping the duvet or your wardrobe over to summer attire (that might be getting a little ahead of myself), it is only day SIX!  The food we consume changes as the months get warmer, swapping stodgy warm comforting meals for more fresh fruits, salads, smoothies.  I feel like my body craves foods it hasn't eaten since last spring! My current craving is watermelon! I cannot get enough :) I have it with yoghurt, on it's own, in smoothies, delish!  So refreshing and the daily weather hasn't even gone about 22 degrees yet for more than a day at a time!  I look forward to sharing some spring recipes I have been wanting to try and some other nutritious yummy healthy foods as the...


#ilovebeingpregnant is my hashtag for today – I jokingly say this when I am tired, cranky, moody and just want to go home and curl up in the foetal position, eat something with cheese in it and watch trashy tv,  I am loving being pregnant nonetheless just having a loooong day/week.  I have joined a couple Facebook pregnancy forums and they are fantastic for asking those questions that you don’t want to trouble your partner or others with and everyone has a good chat, says their opinions and you all don’t care as you are all fat, hormonal and in the same boat.  Bizarre club to be in, but loving it all the same.  The one main thing I have noticed creeps into the discussions all the time is weight gain & weight loss in pregnancy (oh I havent gained anything this pregnancy and am so happy etc).  I thought since we are growing another human inside us “most” of us wouldn’t be too worried about the weight gain, especially for those who are having second o...