Overthinking is not good for you!

What goes on in our minds everyday as women!! Sheeesh we seriously have to watch our thoughts!! Well I do.... Myr thoughts should be monitored, because most of the time they are worrying or stressing about things that are either out of our control or haven't even happened or will not happen.....ugh. Blaming the pregnancy hormones I have been a bit anxious this week as our baby girl starting moving quite a bit and I got super excited, so when she didn't move as much I started stressing like nothing else (which apparently is not good for you either ahem). So I spent a couple nights this week just obsessing with my large tummy begging her to move. She moved when she normally did when I was lying down sleeping around midnight and 5am but apparently I wanted MORE and made a special trip to go see my GP today to listen to baby girl's heartbeat. Which was perfectly fine, strong and LOUD. I knew somewhere in my gut that all was ok, so why didn't ...