
January is ticking along nicely at day 20 of the new year. #Jonesfit2016 with the husband is tracking along really well also with us both eating better foods everyday, totally eliminating crap and moving the body at least  3 times a week. 

I feel healthier already and have noticed an increase in energy, plus am sleeping through and not waking up as much worrying about things. We started weighing ourselves new years day and we have both dropped a few kgs which is great. Our incentive is to eat healthy, exercise more, be aware of our habits and drop bodyfat whilst getting fitter and stronger. We both have come in with some injuries and my hormones are all over the shop. So we are being realistic and doing everything we can that works for us.

Last week I enjoyed swimming at icebergs, two 5km walks and a yoga session with Jillian Michaels. Felt god to get back on the exercise train after many, many, many months off.

This week I started bootcamp with work - we have a great trainer and he knows his stuff. It is also a great way for me to get to know my new work colleagues outside of work. Being the new Ops Manager a few of them report into me and they all have to come through me for certain items daily, so a great session to let go of the day and have some fun,  fitness fun. Doing bootcamp on day 7 of a new job is pretty exciting. We did boxing today so I was very excited - it was hard and I am not going to lie and say I struggled with lots of the core work. But I enjoyed it and was knackered after!! Sign of a good workout.

Food wise have been keeping things simple and taking everything for the day to work - lots of good foods with protein smoothies, fruits, wraps and snacks and am keeping in one coffee a day - because I love coffee, and coffee loves me back 😆

Tracking food in myfitness pal keeps me accountable and a great motivator to put good food into my body. Loving the apps to track steps and trying to get as many steps as I can in a day as well as aiming for 2-3 5km walks a week.

Second weigh in, 3kgs down and feeling great. Keeping the training and eating the same for the next couple weeks should see me at my goal for January.

Am stepping outside my comfort zone. It has changed alot in 12 months and I am having to push harder. It will be worth it.


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