Tapping into new moon energy!!

The sun shining certainly makes a great start to this Friday 13th. Superstitious for some, I find the energy today to be buzzing with new changes and loving the new moon vibe. Hello energy!!

Things are shifting and I am sensing many others feel it also, whether they are tapped into the spiritual realm or just connected and feel the vibes around them. The key is when sensing change to act on the signals or gut feelings you have - this is something I am experiencing right now and letting go of the fear (left thinking brain) and enjoying the creative new side of things (right brain).

So today I am thinking and sharing the things I want and not giving energy to the things I don't want. Loving this fearless energy and for the most I want change. I am stuck in a rut with who I am and where I am heading - time for new creative learning, feeding myself new challenges mentally, physically and emotionally to move forwards and achieve purpose, validity & financial gains also. New exciting plans ahead. Spending more time in right brain!


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