Little Big Love

After many months I am finally reading Little Big Love's stories of loss, healing and hope after miscarriage.

I feel I have healed quite a bit from my two losses this year. Sometimes I can go a whole day without thinking about my angels and somedays I have "what if" moments.

I would highly recommend reading this book (link below) if you or someone you know has had a miscarriage, even though some people can forget about loss, the parents never will.

I have started following a miscarriage closed group page on Facebook and so many woman from all over the world have shared their stories and the same theme seems to arise, they feel alone, isolated and feel they cannot turn to family and friends as they should have "gotten over it by now", or "get tild to just try again" and work colleagues who struggle to talk to them after they find out. This is a true struggle and women all over the globe feel like they are loosing their minds.

Thank you Kelly Marchant for publishing your book and for giving women a voice and the support they need. I am like you and wear my heart on my sleeve and talk about things when I need to, even when the "so-called" protocol is not to.

Hopefully society and the medical profession will catch up and we can not hide the first trimester of our pregnancies if we feel like it to "shield" us from attitudes of society of something that is so very common.


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