Triple challenge time!!

Feeling very positive after the full moon energy over the last couple of days and have felt a real shift in my mental state and realise it is time to get off my arse and move forwards.  The temperature is rising and it is time to get my priorities in order and focus on getting my body and mind in a much healthier space.  Nothing like sneezing with spring in the air to realise that you pretended to be a bear in winter and ate enough food to hibernate for six months, when indeed you are NOT a bear and will indeed need to wear less clothing soon due to summer being en route (and probably shave le legs and apply fake tan so as not to scare the community with token white untoned legs #gasp).
Feeling the effects of this year with two miscarriages and my hormones totally taking over my body I am feeling in charge and ready to tackle the extra baggage with some challenges that along the way will not only make me feel great but will also inspire others and one will also raise money for a great charity.  Giving back to the community always makes me feel so proud that I can be in a position to help others less fortunate than myself.
Challenge One
Steptember - commencing Tuesday for the rest of the month is the 10,000 steps a day to raise money and awareness for Cerebral Palsy.  This is a great challenge, it makes you walk for those who are limited with movement and raises money to help.  We complete this great challenge last year and raise over $1000 which we hope to do this year.
Read more about Cerebral Palsy here. Donate to me and my fabulous team here!
Challenge Two
Live it, Do it - sugar free September! Yes you heard right.  I have done a few great challenges giving up the refined white powder because FOR ME it makes me feel SO much better.  Having used sugar this last couple months for emotional support I know it has indeed made me feel like I "need" it for energy when in fact I don't.  The great thing about this challenge is there is a photo-a-day challenge for it on Instagram! HOLA.... check out my Instagram account here.  I will be doubling up with my photo-a-day challenge this month - you can see some of my blogs on this site about the previous challenges!! Super excited. So much to focus on and think about I won't even know I haven't had chocolate!
Click here to find out more and complete the challenge! See the daily prompts below.
Challenge Three
As the above two covers improving my motivation to eat better and move my body more,  (and raising money for a great charity), I have decided to place a bet on myself using Dietbet.  A great site created by Jillian Michaels (from the original Biggest Loser).  You join one of the many challenges and place a bet on yourself to loose 4% of your starting weight in that month. For me a total do-able goal.  So far there is $2250 in the pot and 90 players.  The more people that don't complete the goal the more cash there is to divide amongst those who do complete the 4% challenge.  Not a bad motivator.  The site is monitored and is pretty legit in rewarding those who have worked hard.  Get ready summer lean fit Donna Jones is coming! #jonesfit
A jam packed month it is then! I am feeling good, in control and realistic about the goals I have set out to achieve.  I have set myself the goal of dropping 18kgs by the 23rd December. Just in time for a family holiday in Perth to visit the folks for Christmas. Bring it on.  The rest of 2015 is about me getting fitter and healthier to start trying again for a baby in the New Year. Now that is an incentive!!


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