Triple challenge time!!

Feeling very positive after the full moon energy over the last couple of days and have felt a real shift in my mental state and realise it is time to get off my arse and move forwards. The temperature is rising and it is time to get my priorities in order and focus on getting my body and mind in a much healthier space. Nothing like sneezing with spring in the air to realise that you pretended to be a bear in winter and ate enough food to hibernate for six months, when indeed you are NOT a bear and will indeed need to wear less clothing soon due to summer being en route (and probably shave le legs and apply fake tan so as not to scare the community with token white untoned legs #gasp). Feeling the effects of this year with two miscarriages and my hormones totally taking over my body I am feeling in charge and ready to tackle the extra baggage with some challenges that along the way will not only make me feel great but will also inspire others and one w...