Frustrated with a simple service....

So nearly three weeks after my parcel was "left on the letterboxes" by TOLL Priority (read previous post here),  I have finally spoken to the fashion group (who funnily enough have their offices a few hundred yards from my apartment building, quite ironic) I was advised that the TOLL driver had purely left my package on top of the letterboxes as they didn't fit in and it is Katie's (fashion group) policy is to leave without a signature. Surely that is a stupid policy.  So someone has gotten my awesome outfits that were on SALE for FREE and I get a simple answer of "we have run out of the items you ordered, a refund will be paid to this week"!. Very very disappointed to say the least. 
So there you go. The lesson learnt is NEVER get things delivered to your home address. I normally do add my work address but thought "the post office is close to my house" surely they will just leave a slip in the letter box to collect at another time?! nope they just leave the stuff there for anyone in my building to collect.  Silly me for getting excited that I could of had my new outfits for that weekend, TWO weeks ago.
I wonder if I should do a door knock or put a note in the letterboxes to ask the nice person who took my clothes to just drop them at my door, no questions asked?

I have been keeping an eye out for some well dressed people in my clothes too..... a gorgeous pink jacket, black puffa vest, hot jeans, funky designed top and some cute little tshirts to layer for winter. Fuckers.


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