Weeks 19 - 21 catch up on #fmsphotoaday

Week 21

Monday 18 - Musical
Monday morning we headed to Hamilton Island, the most amazing place ever. We were greeted with this view and a gorgeous cockatoo singing us a beautiful musical tune. 

Tuesday 19 - My Mood
Feeling on top of the world after climbing passage peak. My mood was achievement and feeling motivated after a great climb up 250 odd steps - the reward is an awe-inspiring view of the Whitsundays from the highest vantage point. 

Wednesday 20 - Equal
Hard life #fmsphotoaday this week (not). After a full day out and about with swims we went for a late afternoon walk and the pool chairs were all in an even line, waiting for someone to enjoy them, to lie back, relax and just be.

Thursday 21 - In a drawer
Waiting for my morning coffee at the Whitsunday Apartments this morning was a relaxing affair as the barista takes at least 5mins to make each coffee (island time) and this morning I enjoyed watching them make the coffees ordered before me and filling up the beans with the gold coffee that was in the drawer. Smelt divine.

Friday 22  - Weather
A whole day On the Edge was today's theme. A full day sailing on the beautiful Whitsundays with gorgeous weather #bliss. The tour was sailing in the hot sun, snorkelling in the warm water of Chalkies beach and Whitehaven beach. So very grateful that when the weather is cold in Sydney, it is beautiful here.

Saturday 23 - Good Times
Keeping with the Hamilton Island theme today. good times, laughter and relaxing walks with my husband has truly been the best this week. We have had good times on jetski, catamaran, drinking cocktails watching the sun go down and just being together without the normal daily routine. Good times.

Sunday 24 - Rule of thirds 

The gorgeous Botany Bay National Park near Little Bay/Chifley was my location for today's prompt. As I wandered around the foreshore after grabbing a coffee this chilly Sunday, I pondered what i could capture in my rule of thirds shot and as soon as I saw this sandstone structure I just knew it was perfect. 19th century Customs house, called Macquarie Watchtower at Le Perouse.

Week 20

Monday 11 - Upside down

Was a cold day today in Sydney town and I was trying to think of something I could for today's prompt but upside down.  I thought how night it would be to be lying on a warm beach in Koh Samui right now, and this is the picture but upside down of exactly that. The beach from our honeymoon April 2014.

Tuesday 12 - Eyes
They say to work on your best feature and I do know I have extremely blue eyes. So this prompt I remembered the photo-shoot I had done with this shot capturing my eyes. gorgeous hey.  To date this was one of my favourite things accomplished in life, doing a photo-shoot and being totally comfortable in my own skin. 

Wednesday 13 - Hands
Nothing beats a night out at the Comedy Festival in the middle of the working week to make you smile, laugh until you cry. Thanks to Parkroyal Hotels I was invitee to attend Frocking Hilarious at the Enmore Theatre and watch some amazing comedians take to the stage to raise money for a great cause. Legends such as Denise Scott, Gretel Kellen and Em Rusianco - ActionAid  giving a new meaning to stand-up by having renowned female comedians stand up against gender inequality.  Hands were so sore from clapping at these amazing women.

Thursday 14 - Heart
I love when prompts just jump out at you, especially when they are chocolate love hearts you find when getting your morning cup of caffeine. Needless to say I thought "awww these are so cute, I will get one for me and one for Drew". I ate both hearts #scrumptious

Friday 15 - I found this
Love meeting friends for breakfast before work.  A good chat over a coffee and some delicious food is a great way to start the day, especially on a Friday after a loong week. I found this coffee to be the best I have had for a while. Thanks to York Lane bar - for your down to earthiness, fresh food and fucking divine coffee. 

Saturday 16 - Clean
I do love a clean house. But that is a boring picture right and makes people feel like shite if they haven't had a clean house moment. So instead I have clean & pretty nails after a relaxing morning at the nail salon in Mascot getting my coffee fix whilst getting some much needed pampering after a long late night.

Sunday 17 - Home
I am not sure what happens in your place, but our fur child Tiggy thinks he is a dog most days. He needs to check out everything we have and taste most of the food we eat. His favourite is ice-cream but also loves cream, vegemite, hummus.... not sure they are good for him but he does enjoy licking his chops for a few minutes after tasting our food. only at home casa d&d.

Week 19 

Monday 4 - Today I Saw
Monday mornings need coffee & today i saw my local coffee peeps at Espresso Republica for friendly conversation and amazing coffee. That is how Monday's should start.

Tuesday 5 - Red
Red cross do such amazing work and I am proud to say i have always helped them out with either donations of my A- blood or cash and was excited to see the ladies and cute doggies representing the Red cross at ANZAC Day March in Hobart.

Wednesday 6 - 10 o'clock
A picture of my husband of 371 days at 10:00am enjoying a chocolate thick-shake at Cafe Morso on Jones Bay Wharf.  The best thick-shakes in Sydney and the most amazing bacon & egg gnocci. You must try this place.

Thursday 7 - Key
The key is having many spare copies of the main door key cut for our new office building at work to ensure that when everyone loses their swipe cards, some of us can actually access the office.

Friday 8 - Four Things
Four tins of delightful Dilmah tea delivered today from my wonferful contact Nadia from Parkroyal hotel. 

Saturday 9 - Peaceful
Peaceful area at St Johns near RPA. Gorgeous place to reflect on life & all the positive things to be grateful for in the sunshine.

Sunday 10 - Playground
Amazing backdrop to watch Coogee United play on the shitty ground/pitch. Tough game but five goals were kicked in 12mins. Happy playground this mother's day.


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