So many amazing babies!

Loving the energy around me at the moment, there are so many of my friends having babies or finding out they are pregnant that is making me smile with so much happiness for them and on some level making me even more determined to have one of my own soon also. 

The last four to five months have been a journey that is for sure, a journey that unless you travel it yourself you really couldn't imagine it at all.   I am a big believer of the universe being a little in control of my destiny and know that when the right time comes an angel will give us a little bundle of joy that will keep us up at night, keep us busy with feeding, changing and never ending cries, laughter and smiles.   

I still feel a small pang of jealousy when I hear someone elses good news, but know that one day I will be sharing the same news hopefully with close family and friends. Life surely works in mysterious ways & I know that I need to be positive & focus on all the amazing things life has to offer. Life is truly an amazing gift & to be able to live each day is a blessing. My favourite L words are #love #live #life #laughter



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