Week 18 #fmsphotoaday

Cannot believe we are in May already and I am posting Week 18 from Fat Mum Slim's photo-a-day challenge, I do believe this is the first time I have stuck to every month since starting the challenge a few years ago (I started it at the end of another 365 photo-a-day challenge).  This week was a little challenging as I wasn't feeling very inspired but managed to capture a few things.

27 In My Bedroom
Had a little clean out and found the secret hiding place I put our wedding certificate last year.  Good to know where it is now in my bedroom.

28 Prepare
Martin Place the night before the execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran in Bali.  A moving vigil for people to come together and pray for a final miracle for these two boys to not be shot by firing squad.  Sad that capital punishment is still functioning in many countries. 

29 I walked here
Have been lacing up the new sneakers and pounding the pavement a lot more, walking here, walking there wherever I can walk.  Get those steps up.

30 Need
We so needed these mini cakes and champers at the Karen Walker event at Myers this week.  Sarah needed to do some shopping and we were very overdue for a catch-up.  Perfect combination.  We ended up having dinner and wine at Cloudy Bay in Westfields. Need.

1 May Want
This time last year we were on our honeymoon in Thailand. Today I want to be back there, to this moment again.

2 Faceless self-portrait
Took this selfie snap a couple weeks ago when going out and about on a warm sunny day.  Trying to capture the strapless dress and my mixed tan lines!!  Gorgeous dress from St Frock!

3 A cup of
Tea does wonders for the soul. Anytime, anywhere.


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