Week Five of #fmsphotoaday

Monday 26th Three Things
Australia Day - Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australian flag and friends
Just the perfect three things needed to celebrate Australia Day on Monday 26th.  A lovely afternoon having lunch at the Lord Nelson pub and then a wander through the Rocks to check out bands and stands of food galore and Australia Day happiness.

Tuesday 27th - Morning
A quiet Tuesday morning I had an appt down Chinatown end of town and it was eerily quiet and empty and I remember thinking "I have never seen Chinatown so empty", it was great to get a snap of the entire strip with no-one around, ahh bliss! Normally it is SUPER packed.

Wednesday 28th - Strange
Snapped this on Tuesday with Wednesday's prompt in mind.  An interesting shop in Chinatown hosting clothes and other shop like things in what looks like snow.  Suited the day as it was cold and wet.  I remember the first time I saw snow, I was in Belfast in 2000 and it was such a happy day.

Thursday 29th - Summer
After the last two days been cold and wet it was gorgeous to see the sunshine and feel the warmth on my skin! I stood in the sun for ages this afternoon and just took in the warmth - was working from home so a good excuse to just hang outside. Ahhh.

Friday 30th - My Fav Food
I love love love eggs & soldiers with a pot of tea!  How British off me.  It is my happy and comfort food and in the Jones house we are known to have eggs & soldiers quite frequently, sometimes for breakfast, sometimes for dinner.  Fancy we are like that.

Saturday 31st - On Top
Whilst the brain went to a few gutter places for this prompt I chose something else that makes me happy - french toast with ricotta, honey and strawberries On Top!!  Last day before Febfast started with no sugar and no alcohol and I wanted pancakes.  Was very happy with this delicious dish, sitting in the sun with my husband at a cafe in Redfern and just enjoying great food and each others company. Happiness. 

Sunday 1st - On my plate
As part of the Febfast challenge of no sugar and no alcohol I am increasing my intake of fresh fruits and vegetables to at least 4-5 veggies a day and 2 pieces of fruit (strawberries, kiwi, berries, stone fruits.... yummy in my tummy)! Healthy Donna is a happy Donna who has lots of energy, isn't sick and functions much better!


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