Wyles Bath Coogee

Having walked past the Wyles Baths at Coogee for over 9 years I finally WENT in today!!

I used to walk past it many times and see the signs "yoga by the sea", "massages by the sea" and thought I must do that.... if I had a dollar for everytime I said it I would probably have about $45 (half a massage or a few yoga classes perhaps).

Maybe it was the New Year looming or the fact I am more familiar with hatha yoga now, I decided a couple weeks ago to "just do it". Thanks Nike for the slogan.

Thinking Coogee wouldn't be "that" busy at 8am on a Sunday was a big oversight on my part. Every family within a 15km, no 20km radius was here with families galore.  Runners, walkers with cute doggies (lost count after patting about five cuties) it seemed this was the normal time to use up ALL the carparks near Wyles!

So a good 15min walk either way had been added to my morning routine, excellent. No worries.  Love a good warm up.

Finally met up with our instructor Daniela, lovely lady who thought it would be best to take the morning class up onto the grass as they were still cleaning up from a wedding the day before (now that would of been a great place to get hitched, slapshead) maybe if I had of come here earlier......

So up under cover joined by swedish sisters Nadine & Nadia (two very fit, young blonde, lovely girls) we completed the hour hatha class. Worked up a right sweat and managed to stretch out any stiffness from holiday activities (golf, sleeping in, riding my new bike, napping on the couch, sleeping, eating).

A quick shower and change into my togs/bathers/swimmers for a swim in the nipply ocean. Brrrrrr first swim of summer for me in the sea. It was refreshing and just floated in there for what seemed like forever, sat in the sun, enjoyed the sounds of the waves crashing, children laughing, the squad coach yelling at his swimmers in the far lane (strangely comforting) and enjoyed a nice latte near the water. What a perfect way to start my Sunday and finish off my two week break!


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