Week Three of #fmsphotoaaday

Another week of the #fmsphotoaday challenge for January - happiness theme!  I have noticed that many things make me happy on a daily basis and I love how I can see something or think of someone and just smile. Built in happiness.

The Week three prompts were:
1. Bright
One of my work colleagues has found fitness and is passionate about classes.  This makes me so happy that is the one thing I always wanted for people when I was a PT was for people to find fitness FUN!  She had forgotten her gym shorts and instead of using it as an excuse (and because she so badly wanted to do the class) she ducked out to Lorna Jane and grabbed the brightest orange shorts I have ever seen. Made me smile.

2, Lucky Number
Have always had a few different lucky numbers, from houses I lived in to birthdays of relatives or a number that I won blackjack on a few times in the Burswood Casino back in the day.  Always loving Chinese traditions and cultures I have been fond of the number 8 for many years.  When looking at houses to move into I do always hope that the number is made up of the number 8.  Number 88 symbolizes fortune and good luck in Chinese culture

3. New
After dropping my old Mason jar a few weeks ago I finally got around to buying a new one.  I love the oats in a jar concept because it allows me to be prepared the night before and have a delicious breakfast at work.  Something delicious about adding oats, berries, cacao powder, protein powder, almond milk and honey into a jar and letting it all absorb its goodness overnight to get a gooey pile of deliciousness!

4. Old
Since I was little I have always loved trains and history (thanks to my Pop).  I love the sound of all trains (old locomotives my favourite).  Something tranquil about train sounds.   Growing up in  mining town also allowed me to listen daily to the sound of the iron ore train as it passed by our house up to 2-3 times a day. No matter what city I visit I am always drawn to the history of their trains.  Sydney has an amazing history with the City Line.

This photo was taken at St James Railway station.  This station was originally intended to be a major interchange for the Eastern suburbs railway line, but they could never decide over the routes so became the city loop.

5. Nature
Sunflowers are my favourite flower of ALL time.  They are tall, golden and appear nearly everywhere and make people smile.  I love that they are bright and stand tall like they are so proud to be a gorgeous flower and want to be noticed and make people smile.

6. Jump
My favourite sport I competed in ever has to be basketball (closely followed by swimming) and I still love watching it to this day. It was a hot day in Sydney on this date and I found myself in a cool bar watching NBA!  Boy can they JUMP!

7. Today Is
Sunday, a day spent with family celebrating brother-in-law Nick's 35th Birthday!  A lovely ourmy niece entertain us with her cuteness.  We had a gorgeous lunch and was nice just to spend time with family.


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