Spring is in the air!

September - hello lover! How I love thee warm mornings .... after the last few weeks of rain and lugging around jackets and umbrellas, it was truly lovely to not wear boots and just wear a light cardie to work this fine first day of Spring. 
I don't do cold, I hate the cold/wet! It is fine now and then to laze about under a blanket in front of the heater with a glass of red but predominately I love the sun, surf and g&t's!  I love the warmth of the sun and swimming in our gorgeous pools and oceans.
But summer is a little while away yet... so patience must be had!  Besides the summer body is SO far from being revealed (where did my tan go?)!
So many fun things happening this month:-
FMS Photo-a-day (PAD) Challenge
If you have been living under a rock you would of missed this fabulous creative challenge that brings so many people together who all take the days word/prompt and capture a picture they feel resonates with this word.  You can join the group on Facebook and/or Instagram #FMSphotaday #fatmumslim
Here is a little sneak peak of some of my August challenge piccies from my Instagram account.
Looking forward to the September challenge - the daily prompts have been created by the FMS community!  Excited and really hope that one of my pictures gets chosen for Fab Four (designers choose the four pictures for the prompts).  That is my mission. Time to think outside the box a little more with the daily prompts and be a little extra creative. 
Using my Samsung 5.
To raise awareness and funds for Cerebral Palsy get on board the 28 day walking challenge this month.
Create your own team or sponsor someone who is completing the challenge (aka me, Donna Jones, dons-steppers).  There you go, your good dead for the month is done.
Starts Wednesday, 28 days and minimum 10,000 steps a day!  All for a great cause and I get to explore different walking paths home and to work (will come in handy for my photo-a-day challenge!  A little bit of extra exercise never hurt anyone.
Getting back off the sugar wagon, little bits of sugar have made the crossing through my gob and into my body and I am not liking it!  I have been pretty good with reducing the white stuff (lolly jars at work DO talk to me)! Since making protein balls and homemade chocolates I have enjoyed creating some delicious masterpieces thanks to social media sites!! I really need to start creating fresh sorbet and frozen banana ice cream (hello lover)!
Ice-cream recipe from the Fabulous Natalie Carter Talks Fitness: http://www.nataliecartertalksfitness.com/2014/03/banana-avocado-dairy-free-ice-cream.html
Spring Cleaning
That time of year again to go through stuff, clear it out, drop off at the Salvo's and go through all the paperwork (financials, tax, superannuation, name changes on rest of bills etc) will be a fun job!  Was on my last to do list.... seems to have been forgotten about, so not a sexy job!
Body & mind
Visited a new physio this morning to get me cracking with all my body imbalances (more hot dates with the foam roller and shoulder stabilisation exercises) and excited at challenging myself both physically and mentally with some extra yoga classes!  The exciting thing about the warmer months means there is no football and I get to spend Sundays with my husband doing fun things like beach walks, indoor rock climbing and finally checking out the trampolining place near our house! Wheeeeeee!



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