I am awesome!
This was my status on Facebook this fine, wet and miserable Monday morning:-

Lately I really have noticed how much more refreshed & focused I am feeling, not because I am not dealing with the stress of everyday life and city living, but because I am choosing to smile everyday, life is truly a blessing and for enjoying and not worrying about "stuff" so much. I am just rolling with life and enjoying it every step. I feel so in control of myself and my body, mind and spirit. I know that the choices I am making might not work out but I also know that you gotta give life a good shot. I am awesome because of the way I treat not only myself, but others. I have stopped saying YES to everything to please people, I do what I feel and also try and make time for those important people in my life.
Last week was probably the most stressful week ever this year (aside from a few wedding prep months earlier this year)! I had deadlines, 12hr days, a head cold, a very sick husband at home and some powerful side effects from coming off the pill (hello hormones) and somehow I came out the other end feeling empowered and refreshed at the same time (ok, there may have been red wine involved and a few caffeine hits, how on earth was I going to get through all that without my friends??). The one thing I noticed was how I reacted to the curve balls that were thrown at me last week, I could of just given up, given in - but I just felt this strength, this amazing strength within and I powered through. I realised that the small things in life weren't going to be completed (you know the house being clean, all the washing done, and put away etc.) but I had a sense of calm. Clarity. I felt like I had closed a door and opened a new one which has given me a new perspective of what I will and won't put up with in my life and some new goals to strive for. I am back to putting myself first 100% first... well you know once the cat is fed, patted, fed again, brushed and hugged of course lol.
Had a lovely day in bed yesterday afternoon with my gorgeous Tiggy - I was watching my fav TV show, "Orange is the new black" after a gorgeous breakfast with the hubbie (he was watching UFC) both of us were in our happy place .... well Tiggy was in his usual happy place, sleeping. Perfect day. I had so many things on my "to do" list that I "should" of been doing ,but my instinct was to relax. I knew I had a massage to look forward to so decided to set the tone to relax.
I used to visit the Buddha Bar Healing Clinic in Newtown when I lived in St Peters and one of the therapists there, Jade used to be the only person who could truly work out the knots in my back/shoulders! Haven't seen her for nearly three years as she moved to Coogee and I just never got around to making an appointment to see her. Until this week, I text her early asking if she had any free appointments, and she did (thank goddess)! Jade does the best massage but incorporates reiki healing at the same time and it was just what I needed. An amazing hour of ME time where I got to relax and unwind. I had headphones on listening to running water, birds, the normal relaxations sounds and was taken away to a quiet place where I really was able to just let go. Check her out here. An amazing afternoon near Coogee Beach to just let go.
Trusting my instincts, trusting my gut and perfect timing with the moon in Gemini, my husband and best friend are Gemini's and I love being around both of them, they make me smile, laugh and play, which is so important in life. They remind me what is important and not to stress, being an Aries I thrive on a little stress......
I have changed my thinking patterns. I really have tuned into healthy living and healthy eating and not being controlled by what I "think" I should be doing. I am just living, eating well, moving my body and listening to my body/mind and giving it what it needs. I have replaced the unhealthy mantras I used to tell myself about not being fit enough, strong enough, smart enough and have worked through these negative thoughts knowing that they don't control nor define me. Taking a different path in life, making choices to make me feel happy is how I have been choosing to live these last few months and as a result I am feeling more grounded, more relaxed and have amazing clarity about the important people and situations in my life. Life is always going to have a few curve balls, I am going to take them, deal with them and hit them out of the ball park.
I have changed my thinking patterns. I really have tuned into healthy living and healthy eating and not being controlled by what I "think" I should be doing. I am just living, eating well, moving my body and listening to my body/mind and giving it what it needs. I have replaced the unhealthy mantras I used to tell myself about not being fit enough, strong enough, smart enough and have worked through these negative thoughts knowing that they don't control nor define me. Taking a different path in life, making choices to make me feel happy is how I have been choosing to live these last few months and as a result I am feeling more grounded, more relaxed and have amazing clarity about the important people and situations in my life. Life is always going to have a few curve balls, I am going to take them, deal with them and hit them out of the ball park.
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