Non-Organised Tuesday!

Nothing beats a nice quick gym session in the middle of a busy working day after a long weekend.  I find if I don’t train early in the week it can be 2-3 days at least before I get to the gym again…. Except for my trusty mid-week yoga class of course.
I forgot my towel, water bottle and locker key (packing in the morning and not the night before means Dons is half asleep and less organised). Even though I didn’t have a few necessities for my gym visit I still trained.  At least I had the main items (undies, socks, shoes) so there were NO excuses.  I also forgot my gloves and I am super paranoid about taking off wedding rings so instead of doing my usual weights session I did the following circuit:
Warm up: 10mins hills (Level 16)  on cross trainer
20 squats using TRX
20 KB upright rows (24kg), KB touching ground in-between for more leg and glute activation
10 full push-ups
20 med ball twists
Repeated 3 x through, stretched and cool down.
Done & back at work in under 50mins!  Done for Tuesday! Bring on YOGA tomorrow.


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