Hello winter…. It is that time of year again. I must admit I do find it hard to keep positive about things when it is cold, dark and wet & gloomy outside.  Distant reminders of living in London appear wishing I had central heating and could travel to cities in Europe on the weekend.  Drinking pints on a Tuesday, just because.
And the purpose for winter is?  Rain is good anytime of the year, but the cold and dark gloomy days surely aren’t good for us?  Aren’t we meant to eat ourselves silly, hibernate and sleep for a few months?  Bit hard to do that if you have a 9-5pm job!
I have a love hate relationship with the chilly months.  Love wearing my boots and wrapping myself up in a gorgeous jacket with a bright scarf!  I can laze on the couch with a big blanket and a hot drink watching trashy TV and NOT feel guilty like you do on a sunny day in January.  But the vital winter love is being able to blow=dry my thick mass of hair without looking like I have just done a gym session in the sauna!  Ahh truly the simple things in life.
For some reason I am always 2-3 degrees warmer than others, I am always walking around in winter with a summer wrap dress on, showing my arms (god forbid) – but still wearing tights and boots!  Good way to double the wardrobe! 
Homemade soup, stews, casseroles, pulled pork; roasts with all the trimmings and a glass of red wine are the main reasons to love the cooler months.  Nothing beats a cold wet Sunday lazing on the couch with the aromas of something cooking in the oven with a glass of Merlot in ones hands. Truly the reason winter is invented. 
 So today on this truly first cold day in June I had a gorgeous Laksa for lunch and I must get to the gym tonight even if it is cold, wet and dark and the couch is calling for me!


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