Giving up some of the things I love for 28 days....

Febfast time again.  Where you give up alcohol for 28 days, raise funds and awareness for charity, how hard can that be right? Well now they have extended the Febfast range to include giving up sugar, caffeine and digital screens.  So for this to be a REAL challenge I have decided to give up ALL of the Febfast options.   

You are giving up WHAT? I hear my coffee addict voice in my head scream at me.... but but how will you cope without coffee daily, how will you function, be alert, in control and survive?  That I will find out because I have NEVER given up coffee on purpose or for a purpose.  The only days I never drink coffee are the ones when I am feeling sick. So this is going to be HUGE and to not have something else to replace it with (ie with sugar & alcohol) will truly test my patience.

So I have already apologised to those around me as I am not sure how my moods will be affected by this... I have given up alcohol before for three months and it went really well, took a week or two to get used to not just reaching for a bottle.  I gave up sugar also for nearly five months so I know I can do it... just not having coffee is going to hurt real bad. I love the smell of coffee, the taste the warmth and the little buzz I get (but don't really need).  Going to test the power of the mind. Saying that I do love herbal teas, so will swap for peppermint and rooibos tea.

There are so many positives to doing this challenge that will totally outweigh any negatives.  They are:

* raising money and awareness for Youth Support & Advocacy Service plus Family Drug Support - you truly never really know who is going to be affected by drugs and alcohol and all families so need the support of these charities

* Saving me some extra cash to put towards my honeymoon for May

* Giving me a healthier look on my habits - how often do we say we need a coffee, screech for a glass of wine at the end of a hard working week or would die if we didn't get a chocolate at 3:30pm everyday?  That is a habit, which should really be addressed.  My no sugar has so slipped in the last few months, time to get back on board the healthy choices train.

* Huge health benefits to assist me with my "honeymoon bikini" challenge.  Reducing extra calories to make my body to purr like a tiger - help reinvigorate my system and be in control.

* I turn 40 in March! I know I am predominately good with my eating and training just like to mix it up and challenge myself in life! 

Start's this Saturday 1 February!  I have downloaded my mobile app to track y progress and please feel free to sponsor me - the cost of a wine or maybe a pack of lollies or a coffee a day for a week!


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