Importance of Yin and Yang...

After doing my second Hatha Yoga class this afternoon I feel reconnected and also recharged. Having a low energy day today for a few reasons I listened to my body and knew it needed some down time, some recharge time and that a heavy weights session or cardio session was not going to help me today.

Taking some time for yourself regularly to just stop and breathe, take some deep breaths in, relax and calm your mind are truly priceless.  We are so busy, we sometimes forget to stop and smell the roses so to speak. This afternoon was a good reminder for me that I needed some chill time, to have some alone time stretching out my body, releasing tension held in muscles from stress at work, from worrying about money, wedding, health etc and just letting go.  Truly cannot put a price on your health - physical & mental and a few emotions got brought to the surface today which I didn't even know I was holding onto.

Spending some time with YOU, doing what you love, something that relaxes you is vital.  From reading a book, taking a bath, yoga class or even a walk in the bush, beach or park is enough to regenerate, relax and de-stress. 

So happy I have found this time for myself. I love it and my body & mind are nodding away at me saying "thanks so much for letting us have your time".

The instructor, Michelle Rose was amazing again today, she truly is a blessing.  Looking forward to finding out more about her charity yoga session (donation only entry) she is holding at Bondi on the 15 September.  If you want to find out about this post in the comments below and I will let you guys know.

So, have you made time for yourself this week?


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