Stress Down Friday!

Today is Stress Down Day.

Hopefully most of you who read this won't need to call Lifeline, but I hope that you can recognise the signs of stress and just how much stress we are under these days is increasing.  

We are getting more stressed and really do need to stop and talk to our family and friends more to find out what is happening in people's lives.  Putting your head in the sand and hoping problems go away is NOT healthy and talking to someone is the smart thing to do, it is always hard to admit you need help, some struggle with asking others for help.

A big part of my passion for health and fitness is TOTAL well-being.  I am a big believer of homeostasis, being balanced, well and complete.  We all have our issues and some might seem smaller than what others are going through but I believe it is still YOUR well-being that needs to be looked after. 

Lifeline do a newspoll and the facts are very interesting (full report here) and it show's that many of us are stressed regularly.  Now this isn't JUST HOW LIFE is.  Of course there will be situations in life that will stress us out, but being stressed all the time about work, finances, health or family isn't healthy, it means changes need to happen and steps put into place to help get to a less stressed environment.

Stress has a big impact on the body. You sleep less, you make poor food choices, it affects your work, you get tired, sick, run-down and it affects your relationships and can spiral out of control quicker than you think.  

Do you take time out to relax, and get your thoughts together? Do you have friends and family you can talk to about issues? If not there is nothing bad about talking to a counsellor, in fact I can highly recommend it.

So wear slippers or comfy shoes today and chill in your pj's this weekend (if you missed today) and just stress down. Think about what is great in your life, where you need to adjust things that are stressing you, you won't change this overnight but being in control and understanding what is stressing you will help you move forward and deal with these stresses, don't keep them bottled up.

If you would like to help, raise funds and awareness then please do so, help provide crisis support and suicide prevention services for those who need.  You can donate or buy a pair of slippers here!


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