Quitting sugar....

The official launch of #50daysnosugar commences on 1 July... I decided to do it a week early to really get in control of not eating the entire contents of the work lolly jar for a week before the "start date".  I have to do that... I do things the hard way.

So I commenced yesterday, woke up feeling great after a night of bubbles/cocktails and karaoke cooked the birthday boy pancakes & bacon for breakfast and I had scrambled eggs, bacon & avocado with a black coffee. SCRUMPTIOUS. Love a good breakfast like that on the weekend.  We then went to the movies, another sugar temptation & I was good and brought my home-made protein balls and some strawberries to have with my 2nd long black of the day. Delicious.  Not thinking "I can't have" I was just thinking "what can I replace maltesers with"... the mind is a powerful tool isn't it? Classic.

We went out to Barzura in Coogee for dinner last night to continue the celebration of the Festival of Drew. We have always gone had breakfast at Barzura, but never dinner. They were doing a full moon, love ambiance vibe with no lights and just candles, so pretty nice actually.   The dessert menu looked divine but we both didn't order any, I actually had oysters for entree instead & Drew had a bourbon and coke. Delicious. Again simple decision to not make a fuss and get all flustered about "sweet stuff".  Oysters with shallots and Worcestershire Sauce, oh my!

The no sugar thing is really easy - it is just saying no to the lolly jar at work and all the pre-made chocolate/desserts that are in the shops.  Ordering off a menu at a restaurant is easy and since the birthday celebrations are over, it is time to get saving and shape up for our wedding in 10months time! AHHHH.

So it is all mind over matter at this stage, obviously because it is all new and exciting.  I entered a competition a few months ago and today I received my prize - a tub of vital protein, pea protein powder - no dairy, no sugars.... coffee flavoured. Scrumptious.  My afternoon snacks are complete.

It will be interesting to see if I have any "cravings" for sugar. Will work out if they are all in my mind or not.......   I look forward to trying some of the recipes I got in the plan from Nat. Instagram pictures here we come!!

My body measurements are all done.  Food shopping delivered on weekend, menu ideas ready to go & have my training plan for the week all ready to go.  Planning is vital.

Check it out for yourself http://www.50daysnosugar.com.au/


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