Quitting sugar....

The official launch of #50daysnosugar commences on 1 July... I decided to do it a week early to really get in control of not eating the entire contents of the work lolly jar for a week before the "start date". I have to do that... I do things the hard way. So I commenced yesterday, woke up feeling great after a night of bubbles/cocktails and karaoke cooked the birthday boy pancakes & bacon for breakfast and I had scrambled eggs, bacon & avocado with a black coffee. SCRUMPTIOUS. Love a good breakfast like that on the weekend. We then went to the movies, another sugar temptation & I was good and brought my home-made protein balls and some strawberries to have with my 2nd long black of the day. Delicious. Not thinking "I can't have" I was just thinking "what can I replace maltesers with"... the mind is a powerful tool isn't it? Classic. We went out to Barzura in Coogee for dinner last night to continue the celebration of the Festi...