Normal people don’t use Twitter…….
Was part of the comment I read the other day on
Facebook. Now, I do believe everyone is entitled
to their own opinion but I really wish sometimes people would have a little
think before they hit post on ANY social media platform. From memory the discussion was about Twitter and
obviously the person posting (postie?) didn’t understand Twitter. Now, I was always told it is polite to ask if you
don’t understand something, instead of just blaring out “I don’t like it”. Yeah freedom of speech and all that..... you don't HAVE to comment on every single friggin post is all I am saying.
IN a nutshell, social media is here to stay, moving forward very quickly for some. There has always been changes, you need to keep an open mind and just allow these processes to happen (as we have always done with technology). Do you remember DOS? Do you remember when we went from PC to Laptop? From this to data stored in the “cloud” we are changing daily and my opinion is to keep across some of the bigger changes that affect you and choose which platforms suit you best.
Back to Twitter. I
personally like Twitter. I don’t expect
it to be as super interactive as Facebook (that does depend on who you follow) but
I do view it as a snap shot of what is happening out and about. I follow the main media news streams so I will
find out about breaking news as it happens, and because tweets that are “trending”
move so fast, I will know before checking CNN if the tweet is more likely to be
true – remember word by mouth, well word
by tweet moves much, much faster. I am not by all means saying that all content
on Twitter is factual. I enjoy the
quirky little 140 character posts from my array of people I follow… from
celebrities to athletes, fitness guru’s, friends… there is always something
interesting to read about, links to blogs and ways you can share a little
snippet of your body and mind to your followers.
The one thing I cannot spell out enough when it comes to
social media is there are ALWAYS going to be new social media tools, you don’t
have to keep up with them all you just need to work out which tool suit you for
either you personally or for your business.
Hopefully if you don’t really get social media you have someone who does
planning your strategy and posts for your business. The good news is you can pay someone to do
the research for you!
IN a nutshell, social media is here to stay, moving forward very quickly for some. There has always been changes, you need to keep an open mind and just allow these processes to happen (as we have always done with technology). Do you remember DOS? Do you remember when we went from PC to Laptop? From this to data stored in the “cloud” we are changing daily and my opinion is to keep across some of the bigger changes that affect you and choose which platforms suit you best.
You have the controls. You choose who you follow on any social media platform. You work out how to change your settings to restrict what others can see. Don't whinge about Facebook changing it's template AGAIN, they can change it as much as they like, you don't pay for it - change is always good and in the big scheme of things isn't a big deal. #firstworldproblems
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