
Showing posts from May, 2013

Things to start doing for YOURSELF....

Remember today, for it is the beginning. Today marks the start of a brave new future. The vibe I get from all social media platforms is that we are just too busy and important. We have a job and house to look after, kids, the shopping, the cleaning, trying to fit in exercise whether it is yoga or balance, body attack or just a walk around the block.  Yes. Everyone. Is. Busy and we definitely are all very important - we say that, but do we really look after ourselves? I understand that some days can go to shit, and by lunchtime you seriously want to run away screaming. Yes it is hard, life is hard, shit gets thrown at you (sometimes literally) you have deadlines, things to do, bills to pay, three kids under five (seriously NO TV in your house?) and you really just want to be here: But there is one person you have to remember to look after - YOU. If you are ragged, running around you aren't looking after yourself, the people around you suffer too. You need to be...

Greens greens & more greeens......

I like to track what food I eat most days, gives me a good indication of how much I am eating of what exactly.  Am I eating too much sugar, not enough protein, too much carbs over fats etc.  Fuelling my body with the best fuel ensures that my body functions well under the stress it is put under (either at work or the gym). I was reading a few health blogs on the weekend and realised that I don't really eat enough greens, I have slipped.  I do love broccoli for breakfast some mornings and have the occasional salad for lunch and veggies with dinner, but not CUPS of the stuff. There is the new fad going around about "green smoothies".  I think they can be a great idea if you are running out the door and need a nutritious breakfast (better than those up and go things or a slim shake or muesli bar) I like the idea of chewing my food most of the time, you know getting the digestive juices and system functioning properly. Eating on the go all the time cannot be goo...

Am I a control freak, have A.D.D or hyperactive?

Watching Offspring last night I was thinking, I am so glad I am not like Nina’s character!!   I am so glad I am not that much of a control freak like Nina, but am I?   I like things to be done in a certain order & my way and if they don’t get done I do get a little anxious, isn’t that just how a normal busy person goes about his or her day? I   have post-it notes in certain places at work reminding me of the things I need to do individually, posted around the place, my to-do list is never enough and I always seem to get flustered and re-write my to-do list (I mean who DOES that).   I get overwhelmed if I am running late, miss a meeting or completely miss a catch-up with a friend (example of my alarm being set the wrong day last week, a stranded close friend at a café).   This kind of stuff makes me feel sick.   Wonder how some people are wired like that and some not? I have always been like this though, it hasn’t been something that has progre...

How is your Monday going, feeling guilty after an indulging weekend? Break those habits......

So, it is Monday, you had a busy weekend, catching up with friends or going out to that dinner party and overindulging and this morning you woke up feeling a bit average and wondering how you are going to survive the day, let alone the entire week?  Thinking "I better head to the gym today to sweat it out", thinking that will rid all the nasties you consumed?  Is Monday groundhog day for you?  Yikes... no wonder you don't like Mondays! You pledge to "be good" this week, well stop with the excuses and just do it.  Stop eating the crap, stop thinking you NEED chocolate or that glass of wine, start thinking that YOU do actually need to exercise and release stress and encourage endorphins to roam freely around your body.  Breaking the habits one day at a time. If you have nothing planned for this weekend - keep it that way. Do something different so you don't fall into that trap of just a wine after work or a dinner out with Mary in Surry Hi...

Normal people don’t use Twitter…….

Was part of the comment I read the other day on Facebook. Now, I do believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I really wish sometimes people would have a little think before they hit post on ANY social media platform.   From memory the discussion was about Twitter and obviously the person posting (postie?) didn’t understand Twitter. Now,   I was always told it is polite to ask if you don’t understand something, instead of just blaring out “I don’t like it”.    Yeah freedom of speech and all that..... you don't HAVE to comment on every single friggin post is all I am saying. The one thing I cannot spell out enough when it comes to social media is there are ALWAYS going to be new social media tools, you don’t have to keep up with them all you just need to work out which tool suit you for either you personally or for your business.   Hopefully if you don’t really get social media you have someone who does planning your strategy and posts for you...

Am I the biggest hurdle?

This morning as my alarm went off at 5:15am I did my usual "should I get up or go back to sleep" routine in my head. Monday's are hard for me to get out of bed because I tend to have a lateish night finishing off the weekend and the boy has Monday off.  It is cold outside and so warm and snuggly inside. I then go through the process of "I will feel fantastic after" &  "he is going to be asleep in an hour still anyways" and get up and go train, which ends up making me feel fantastic!  But I seem to do this every single Monday!  What happened to the energiser bunny that used to bounce out of bed?  So I had this ponder on the way to the gym this morning - "are we our biggest hurdle to achieving our goals?" and the answer for me is YES. It is my brain that is my hurdle, over thinking and analysing things instead of just getting up and going.  I am the biggest hurdle.  I know I will train hard and feel better after, it isn't the boy p...

Cortisol & creatures of habit.....

The last couple days I have had some time to reflect as I was on the couch with a gastro virus. Nasty.  There is something about being sick and craving the foods your mum used to give you, boiled eggs on toast, fruit salad, pots of tea, soup, mash and veggies,  and I feel so much better for it (well partly because the bug has fecked off) but because I only ate little amounts and didn't overload my system with foods I "thought" I needed.  I just trusted what my body asked for as it needed it and I feel great today, my jeans are fitting better and I have more energy than I did the past two days.  My coffee did not go down well today at all and I am craving pots of earl grey tea... mmmmm think my body is telling me something!  We are such creatures of habit, when something happens we react with a habit that is stored within us. These habits can be changed but sometimes habits can turn against us and cause us to not make the right choices, ie s...

Having one of those days.....

Ever have one of those days when NOTHING, I MEAN NOTHING makes you feel better? Yup I know you are all on the same page as me… today is one of those days.  I think these days are good in some ways as it makes you appreciate what you have, you cannot have a happy high energy day all the time, you need to have some lower energy vibe days to balance things out, to stop collaborate and listen. I mean re-evaluate. Feeling very hormonal and achy these last few days, my back is constantly aching, feeling snappy and then also wanting to go a few rounds with a few people (get my drift)! Work is super busy and everyone needs me, suppose being good at ones job is a positive thing, but today seriously you can do your own effing printing, getting coffee etc.  I know it is because I haven’t trained that much in the last week (twice) and if affects how my body reacts to stress. I know when I eat well, sleep well and train well my body goes through some changes and I think this is o...