Things to start doing for YOURSELF....

Remember today, for it is the beginning. Today marks the start of a brave new future. The vibe I get from all social media platforms is that we are just too busy and important. We have a job and house to look after, kids, the shopping, the cleaning, trying to fit in exercise whether it is yoga or balance, body attack or just a walk around the block. Yes. Everyone. Is. Busy and we definitely are all very important - we say that, but do we really look after ourselves? I understand that some days can go to shit, and by lunchtime you seriously want to run away screaming. Yes it is hard, life is hard, shit gets thrown at you (sometimes literally) you have deadlines, things to do, bills to pay, three kids under five (seriously NO TV in your house?) and you really just want to be here: But there is one person you have to remember to look after - YOU. If you are ragged, running around you aren't looking after yourself, the people around you suffer too. You need to be...