
Can you believe in three days it will be 2019?! Now I normally don't believe in New Years resolutions- I believe readjusting goals is healthier and achievable. 2018 was a blur for me really when it came to my health and fitness goals. I really struggled with getting motivated and achieving goals. Things I achieved in 2018: * managed my anxiety and had less panic attacks in the second half of the year due to mindfulness * relaxed more and didn't set my expectations too high * averaged two workouts every week one yoga and one weights or HIIT * let go of toxic thoughts focused on the positive * started filming myself after sessions and posting on social media for motivation and to keep me accountable and honest * took more time out for self care * lots of fun activities with my daughter No point going over what I didn't achieve as it is in the past and I am not using up any energy focusing on what hasn't happened. 2019 will look like this: * planning,...