Becoming a MUM!

Sitting here listening to the cute noises my daughter is making in her sleep I cannot believe it has been nearly a month since she arrived to meet us. The whole experience has truly been amazing and I still cannot believe she came OUT of me. There is NO way being pregnant for the first time prepares you for the arrival of your baby – even though you have had ten months of “being pregnant” you literally have NO idea until they are born how amazing it is to grow a mini person inside you and see them for the very first time. I repeated the “I cannot believe she came out of me” line at least 10 times a day when we first brought her home when she was two days old. She was just perfect and so cute and I just could not stop looking at her. It is so true what they say, all the pain and uncomfortableness is totally worth it. The journey to become a mum has been a long one for us; we started trying a few months after we got married in 2014. Initially i...