Feeling very grateful today!

Most days, life is pretty great! No matter what you are dealing with at the moment, remember to stop and appreciate the simple things in life that make you smile. Take time out to just be. Spend time with those who make you smile, eat the chocolate, sleep in, drink all the wine and remember life is what you make it. At the moment I am going through one of the biggest transformations of my life, being pregnant. It encompasses my everyday with my protruding bump arriving minutes before I do, reminding me of the precious life growing inside me (especially when I misjudge something and bump into things, bump first, sorry little one)! I cherish each day, every movement she makes, the aches and the pains, the sleepless nights, but I also am so very grateful to be pregnant at 42 and being able to grow and nurture our daughter inside me. It really has opened my eyes to life and what is important for me, right now. I cannot imagine what it will be like when she arrives in ...