Our little poppyseed......

This blog was a great inspiration for me to publish my post. The words really sum up how I have been feeling the last month or so, so thank you @catmarytomlinson thank you so much! March 2015 - We started the New Year with the exciting news that we were pregnant. I found out on the 6th January (my pop's birthday) and it truly was the most amazing news ever. Drew and I were so excited to learn we were going to have a child together, we were so happy and totally freaking out at the same time. Unfortunately for us the pregnancy wasn't successful and we lost our baby in February 2015. This is a post that I have written to get my thoughts and emotions out of my head, heart and somewhere I can read back and reflect. My body, my mind and heart are at odds. My heart is holding on to our baby that we both loved instantly, my mind is on overdrive wondering why us, what if, but my body has already forgotten the life it held for...