Keeping things simple.......

You can almost feel the tension rise today as people work out it is a month until Christmas. How on earth did Christmas come around so quick I hear people chat in the office and on social media sites. It is like they are shocked it is here, again, when they know it happens every single year. People never really seem ready for December. There is always chat of Christmas present shopping, parties, holidays and the like and for some they get excited, for most it seems like a chore. Change that attitude and make this next month easier for yourself!! Keep things simple. Don't over complicate the next few weeks. Don't try and achieve too much, accept too many party invites (because you know you will be stressed, tired and hung-over). What is your ideal way to spend the next three weeks? Work out who you would like to spend time with and then plan some YOU time. Plan some quality sleep time, time to be spent doing the things you love (bea...