All about breathing in, out and letting go.

Had the most enjoyable yoga class today at Hard Candy... I try and get to Deb's class every Wednesday lunchtime because it really makes me appreciate life, and forget the shit that we hold onto and how unimportant it really all is in the big scheme of things. An hour of stretches, breathing in a room heated to 37 degrees makes me let go of unnecessary worry and also stretches out and strengthens my tall body. It is truly a perfect way for me to get fitter and also look after my mental state, because sometimes we can get so caught up in life, that we forget to just let go. We hold on to far too much energy that can make us feel heavy, flat and we need to let that shit go, the conversation you had three days ago with a friend, let it go, the guy who cut you off in traffic this morning, let it go. Life is too short to worry about crap... we need to get out of our own mind and experience other thoughts and experience instea...