I turn 40 in 2 more sleeps! Am excited....

Freak out man you are turning 40! Nah not this chick (see how I go on Sunday when the clock officially ticks over....) I am a very happy person today partly because it is Friday and I did an amazing Hatha Yoga session at lunch which just totally zen'd me out and any work problems today are just being handled so easily. Plus on my desk sits two bottles of champers darlings! All for me... mmmmm bubbles are a girls best friend (screw diamonds they don't give you an awesome buzz). I am feeling pretty content with myself at this point in my life, a couple years ago when I was depressed Bridget Jones style on a Friday night finishing off a bottle of red wine AND Ben & Jerry's watching SATC I promised myself that I would not measure myself by the things I had NOT done but by the fabulous things life has given me. Yes I was single back then but I also promised myself that just being happy with my daily life an...