Stay fit and healthy this Christmas/Festive season!!

So it gets to this time of year and all you hear about is Christmas parties, food, recipes, wine, bubbles..... and we all get stressed, which is quite silly really. You don't have to give up on all your hard work for the year for the entire MONTH. Treat December like you would any other month that has red flag days and plan accordingly. Christmas parties are all the rage, you get invited to a couple, there are free drinks, finger food and it would just be rude or weird to say no right? Wrong. Why have the New Year start with you feeling like crap and your body not liking yourself or your body very much? That is just madness. I say you can still have fun and feel great to bring in the New Year, you just have to plan and be smart, and practice saying "no thanks". Plan this Christmas season to: * Choose which parties you will go to and have a drink or two and work out which ones you will be the designated driver f...